Kanwal Zertaj

Charismatic Christian Speaker, Religious Counsellor Motivational Speaker.

Spiritual Journey

About Me

I was born and raised in a Christ-centered family. Since my early childhood, Biblical teachings were constantly being instilled in me by my parents and grandmother. I had always looked up to my paternal grandmother as an epitome of Christian character. Her vigorous passion and love for the Lord enthused me so much to know the Lord more. My parents graced me and my siblings with meaningful devotional time.

Despite being raised in a Christ-centered family, I firmly hold on to the belief that the Lord was talking to me by means of dreams, scriptures or even people. By the time that I stepped at the threshold of adulthood, my mind had been haunted with curiosity to know the Truth-The Ultimate Truth. Years passed by, and as I was wadding through the challenges of life, my life was still hanging in a balance.

In 2013, reluctant and hesitant though I discovered that the Lord has chosen me for His service. Despite that I was disinclined towards my call, yet, God in His grace and love never let go of me. Ever since, I have tasted intimate presence of Lord Jesus, I cannot respond better but love Him back. However, the moment that left a lasting impression on my soul and spirit was when I heard the voice of the Lord. It was on March 25th 2016, to be exact that I heard Him say, “ I LOVE YOU.” The mellow tone of His voice permeated my being. Whenever, I had to go through life’s hard knocks, He is always there to remind me that He loves me, His gentle reminders hold me up amidst sombre situations.


Ardently inspired by my paternal grandmother, ever since my early childhood it is she whom I have looked at as a paragon of passion for the Lord, dedication to the family, Christian virtues and an unrelenting integrity.

Her conviction that each one of us is distinctively crafted by His wondrous Hand; fashioned to be exclusively and individually different from others, was deeply ingrained in me. I cruised along, school and college, heedless of the challenges posed by the highly competitive world. Driven by an enthusiastic fervor for being distinct and competent, I undertook Computer Science degree. Aside, I attained another Bachelor’s degree with a Psychology major.

The train of my unyielding passion took a new turn thus, I pursued an MBA program.  Cruising along, I was able to earn an MBA. Marching forward, I bagged a Diploma of Higher Education in Theology and Counseling. Fueled by a constant want to compete, I acquired top notch training in Psychological counseling from the reputed NHS.  

Ignited by a keen desire to achieve something significant and enhance my knowledge on research and theory, I committed myself to a PhD in Theology and religious studies. I am currently, preparing for my ultimate accomplishment as a doctoral student during this time – my dissertation.

Uncovering My Artistic Side

As a child I loved art – artistically inclined towards music, singing, dramatics, painting etc. Journeying through school, college and university I excelled in performing arts. In the course of time, my creative passion and self-belief exuded, ergo I blossomed into a well-rounded person.

By and by, I hand-picked poetry as a vehicle for expression, which truly is an enriching experience. Love for literature was instilled in me through my bloodline. Nevertheless, my literary craft did not confine to poetry. By dint of avid reading; inspiration kept amassing to an extent that my mind slipped further and further into authoring columns. I grasped the art of writing myself out of real-life issues; sometimes sentimental, sometimes witty. This being fine revelation of something- generally a mood. Many may mock what I have mastered; indeed have I been bestowed with this passion to verbalize my inner world.

Owing to the reality of being hyper aware of everything, and how things look, taste, sound, feel and smell I have a strong sense of appreciation for aesthetics and heightened senses and sensitivity. And yet being appreciative of and sensitive to beauty in art, I am an ardent admirer of all that is aesthetically pleasing.

My innate capacity for creativity has fostered a bigger-than-life persona; higher-than-normal self-esteem mingled with a feeling of being distinguished and distinctive. During the course of my journey to ‘’being the best version of myself, ‘’through success and failures, I’ve learnt lessons that have made me a better person down the road.


Kanwal Zertaj

Quotes & Poems

Kanwal Zertaj


Every Day with the Bible


Send your Prayer Request

Kanwal Zertaj

Charismatic Christian speaker,religious counsellor. Motivational speaker.

I am available for consultation sessions

Email: Info@kzertaj.org.uk Prayer@kzertaj.org.uk    contact@kzertaj.org.uk

    Praise Lord!